Mozilla has released a beta versions of an application/Firefox browser plug-in called
Prism, which allows any Web site to be saved onto your desktop as a stand-alone application (albeit, one which connects to the Web). When clicked, the application launches in it's own little browser window, connects to the Web, and functions as you would expect from that Web site.
This is powerful stuff.
It turns the humble Web browser from a "portal", through which all applications must run, into a
platform. Prism is based on technology created for
Site-Specific Browsers, or SSBs.
I can easily see Web 3.0 applications using AJAX- the fancy code that enables drag-and-drop, desktop-like behavior on Web sites, like Gmail or Box.net- to turn Web applications into "Netware," similar to Apple's
Google Gears and
Adobe's Flex are already moving in this direction.
Lightweight, net-aware applications that deliver the power and control of mainframe-type distribution, along with the speed, ease of use, and flexibility of desktop client apps? No more C#, Java, or Objective C, just JavaScript! Truly write once, run anywhere.
Oh, yeah. This is mighty powerful ju-ju. Microsoft, Sun, Apple? You hear that?
Update: Good article on similar technologies
here. Thanks to
Tanya for the link.